ASAI - Who we are and what we do
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ASAI is a volunteering association based in Turin and created in 1995.
ASAI offers educational and cultural activities for children, teenagers and young adults in different places of the city. It involves more than 650 volunteers every year, through activities aimed at promoting a sense of togetherness in the urban fabric.
ASAI especially focuses on younger generations and second generations by offering them activities based on cooperation to develop their listening, mediation and participation skills.
The many volunteers, an important example of civil commitment, are the strength and driving force of the association.
Our aims:
  • Providing chances to grow from a personal and cultural point of view

  • Promoting social integration and active citizenship

  • Promoting interculture as a resource for social cohesion and responsible participation

  • Preventing social exclusion

  • Involving the different resources in the city

  • Empowering young people

ASAI focuses its efforts on the most vulnerable areas of the city and especially works with families and young people who are at risk of social exclusion. A constant process of reflection allows us to improve our answers to the ever-changing needs of the migratory phenomenon. The activities carried out in our aggregation centres are increasingly recognized as part of an educational project inside a network that involves families, schools, social services and local associations.
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The lack of knowledge of the Italian language is the first barrier for school and social integration. Thanks to our volunteer teachers, we can work on this issue, by offering Italian L2 course for teenagers and adults.
Our courses are organized according to the entry level of knowledge of the Italian language and school attendance in the home country. Beyond Italian language courses, ASAI offers a lot of didactic and artistic workshops in order to encourage the socialisation though a humanistic and affective approach aimed at enhancing the communicative skills and the relationships among teacher, class and the students themselves.
The development of listening, reading, writing and speaking skills is also achieved through playful language teaching, by using creativity and storytelling.
The following courses have been currently activated:
  • Beginner and intermediate courses (A1, A2, B1 and B2)

  • Alphabetization courses, to read and write

  • Preparation courses for the Italian Ministry A2 test, for people applying for a long-term residence permit

  • Individual teaching of the Italian language, for newly arrived students of primary and secondary school.

ASAI Porta Palazzo - via Genè 12
Registrations on Wednesdays from 2.30 to 6.00 pm
ASAI San Salvario - via Sant'Anselmo 27/E  
Registrations on Monday and Thursdays from 3.30 to 5.30 pm
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corsi italiano ASAI 1 
Our SPORTELLO LAVORO is a service aimed at providing information, consulting, orienting and guiding the job search.
Its activities mainly involve young people (16 to 30 years old) looking for a job or educational guidance, and adult people looking for training and family assistance.

Such activities are carried out in groups or individually by ASAI volunteers and educators, as part of a wider network of private and public social subjects, with the aim of encouraging active labour market policies.
SPORTELLO LAVORO has been officially recognized by Regione Piemonte for its orientation activities (no. 859/001 in 15/1/2008).
Via Principe Tommaso 4/B, 10125 Torino                                       
e-mail: asailavoro@asai it    phone: 011/6503301  
Since its creation, ASAI has been offering school support in order to answer those who find it difficult to be included in the school and learn. The activities involve both Italian and foreign students and are carried out in collaboration with the schools in order to enhance their quality and effectiveness.
In all our centres, we offer:
  • school support for primary and secondary (middle and high school) students

  • Italian language L2 courses

  • didactic workshops for primary and secondary school students

  • expressive, playful and sports workshops for children and young people

  • individual tutoring of the school career

ASAI collaborates with many schools in educational activities aimed at school inclusion and well-being. Our action wants to create a constant dialogue between schools and after-school activities, in order to create effective and participative networks to answer the various needs and activate the individual and collective resources.
ASAI and Cooperativa Terremondo have carried out restorative justice activities in Turin since 2012. They are currently expanding them by taking into consideration a wider perspective on the topic and by actively involving the community. ONE MORE TIME was created from this consolidated experience as a program of diversified activities able to offer restorative justice paths that involve the victim, the offender and the community in the search for solutions to the conflictual effects of a crime or an inadequate behaviour.
  • RESTORATIVE JUSTICE with underage offenders and their victims, in continuity with RICOMINCIAMO project, carried out by Associazione ASAI, Cooperativa Terremondo and other public subjects (Nucleo di Prossimità della Polizia Municipale di Torino, Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale per i Minorenni del Piemonte e della Valle d'Aosta, and Centro di Mediazione di Torino)

  • STUDENTS’ AND TEACHERS’ TRAININGS in schools, through workshops aimed at raising awareness on conflict management

  • SUPPORT TO SCHOOLS for the activation of alternative activities to disciplinary suspensions

  • EDUCATION ACTIVITIES IN SHOPPING CENTERS and informal meeting places, aimed at involving teenagers and young people in educational activities for preventing crimes

  • TUTORS’, VOLUNTEERS’ AND OPERATORS’ TRAINING on the restorative justice methodology, with the support of experts

  • ACTIVE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT with the offenders’ and victims’ families, classmates, citizens, local associations and institutions in charge of the conflict and its resolution

  • CREATION OF NETWORKS of aggregation centres, schools, public and private subjects

  • FOCUS GROUPS between school leaders, law enforcement agencies, Public Prosecutors and local associations

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For ASAI, theatre, music and arts in general, are fundamental cultural tools of quality educational activities. This is why expressive workshops play an important role, together with educational courses.
ASAI artistic realities are based on the methodology of art for social transformation, which recognizes creativity as a possibility of encouraging aggregation, shared thought and action on the territory, while promoting culture and raising awareness of social issues. Because of that, ASAI collaborates with professional artists with educational skills.
Some experiences of ASAI have now achieved an artistic status and identity outside the association for their cultural and educational value.
Among the most significant experiences, there is assaiASAI, a community theatre company created in 2011 within the association, as a consolidation of a long and previous workshop activity. The company welcomes different people by origin, age and ability. Some actors are children with disabilities or with psychological or psychiatric problems. Others have a learning experience in artistic methodologies in the social field or come from training periods within a restorative justice path.
The approximately 50 actors work by following the methodology of Argentina’s community theatre. Starting from a theme decided all together, the participants contribute to the construction of text with improvisations, research and narrations. Some young actors have direct group organization and management tasks. The company supports itself through shows and various fundraising initiatives.
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In all our centres, we offer a large number of playful, expressive, artistic and sports workshops for children, teenagers and adults. In order to do so, we collaborate with professional teachers and volunteers. Each centre personalizes its offer according to the existing needs and resources. ASAI organizes photography, crafts, painting, theatre, basketball, group games, theatre, singing, creative writing, animated reading, guitar, football workshops; trainings for caring professions; sewing, cooking, African dance, Moroccan Arabic and other courses. Some of them are open to the public, others are dedicated to the after-school students.
During the summer, ASAI workshops are enriched with specific activities organized in different areas of the city (ESTATE RAGAZZI), in collaboration with the local institutions and associations.
For ASAI, civil society is the real protagonist of local development. The activities of the association are therefore aimed at supporting and building an educating community able to build and support a shared social fabric.
Every year, children, young people, volunteers and families organize and participate in consolidated projects and events around the city:

  • TRAINING COURSES for ASAI volunteers, teachers and citizens

  • CASAINSIEME SAN SALVARIO: a community project in the area of San Salvario of the city of Turin aimed at a better and participatory sense of togetherness. More info on the website and on the dedicated Facebook page

  • COMMUNITY EVENTS AND NEIGHBORHOOD PARTIES, such as the ASAI 20th Anniversary in Parco del Valentino. Watch the pictures!

terremondo collaborazASAI 
Cooperativa Terremondo
Cooperativa Terremondo was created in 2003 by some educators of ASAI and it constantly collaborates with the association in planning and implementing projects for children, young people and communities.
ASAI and Terremondo apply a shared methodology developed over the years and based on the co-management of the projects.
ASAI provides its volunteers, some spaces and its well-established local network. Terremondo provides spaces and professionals working in the third sector (educators, psychologists, anthropologists, legal experts).
Volunteers and operators work together in horizontal and multidisciplinary teams, where the contribution of the individual is enhanced by the grop.
More info:
Cooperativa Vie d’Incontro
Cooperativa Vie d’Incontro was created in 2017 by a group of young educators. It collaborates with the association in managing projects for children, teenagers and young adults. It applies a methodology based on listening and valuing the individual resources in order to find collective and participatory answers to local needs and problems.
  • by check or bank transfer: ASSOCIAZIONE ASAI - CONTO SAPERE DONARE - Unicredit IT 85 V 02008 01048 000041241720





sociazione di Animazione Interculturale
Head office: via sant'Anselmo 27/e - 10125 Torino - phone/fax 011657114
Tax code: 97626060012
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Per noi ASAI è... E per te?

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